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Introduction of the Hospital

First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established in 1954. It is the earliest and largest Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) medical organization set up in Tianjin. The hospital has many titles such as the first batch of AAA-grade Hospital of China, one of a Hundred Better Hospitals of China, Advanced Hospital of National Health System and Reliable Model Hospital of China. Besides, it is the National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion, the Output Hospital of National Regional Medical Center Construction, National Clinical Research Base of TCM, and National TCM Emergency Medical Team and the Base of Epidemic Prevention and Treatment and Emergency Medical Rescue. Additionally, it is the National TCM Service Export Base, the Construction Unit of TCM Inheritance and Innovation and National Model Unit of TCM Culture, and Tianjin TCM Medical Center.
The hospital is composed of two parts, which are the south part and the north part. The hospital covers an area of 38.38 acres, with its building area of 260,000 square meters. Besides, it has 43 clinical and technical departments and 2,600 beds. There are about three million outpatients and more than 65,000 discharged patients each year.
The hospital has more than 2,600 employees, including two academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, three masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine, five national famous TCM doctors, five Qihuang Scholars, two Young Qihuang Scholars, 19 experts with special allowances from the State Council, seven young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions at national level, one leading talent of national “Ten Thousand Talents Program”, two talents of national Millions of Talents Program, 59 instructors for academic experience inheritance of senior TCM experts, 23 national TCM talents, five experts awarded by the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and 27 famous TCM doctors of Tianjin. Besides, there are two innovation teams of the Ministry of Education, 44 doctoral supervisors and 212 postgraduate supervisors.
The hospital strives for the peak of disciplines and coordinates the development of disciplines, forming a discipline group led by acupuncture and moxibustion. It has two key disciplines of the Ministry of Education, four national key clinical specialties, ten key disciplines of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and 13 key specialties of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and six diagnosis and treatment centers of regional TCM of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The two key disciplines of the Ministry of Education include internal medicine of TCM, and acupuncture and tuina. The four national key clinical specialties include acupuncture and moxibustion, pediatrics, tuina and oncology. The ten key disciplines of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine include acupuncture and moxibustion, heart diseases of TCM, pediatrics of TCM, nephropathy of TCM, tuina, arthralgia of TCM, hematology of TCM, sore diseases of TCM, nursing of TCM, and mental diseases of TCM. The 13 key specialties of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine include pediatrics, acupuncture and moxibustion, nephrology, oncology, tuina, hematology, rheumatology, emergency, cardiology, endocrinology, orthopedics, psychosomatics and nursing. The six diagnosis and treatment centers of regional TCM of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine include acupuncture and moxibustion, cardiology, pediatrics, oncology, orthopedics and tuina.
The hospital stays committed to focusing on people’s health, the integration of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, equal emphasis on TCM and Western medicine, and the path of five specialties (specialties, special diseases, experts, special medicine and professional skills). The hospital highlights the characteristics of TCM, extensively carries out the diagnoses and treatment with TCM characteristics, and comprehensively improves the ability of integrating TCM with Western medicine in diagnoses and treatment. Hence, a group of unique diagnosis and treatment programs by integrating TCM with Western medicine have been formed for strokes and their complications, coronary heart diseases and other difficult diseases, common diseases, frequent diseases, and chronic diseases. Moreover, the “Xing Nao Kai Qiao Therapy” (activating the brain and opening the orifices) and quantity of acupuncture manipulation initiated by Prof. Shi Xuemin of the hospital represent a milestone in the history of acupuncture and moxibustion. Therefore, China leads the world in acupuncture and moxibustion, and Tianjin takes the lead in acupuncture and moxibustion.
The hospital is the First Clinical Medical College of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has one authorized unit of the doctor’s degree from the Ministry of Education and one national teaching team. Besides, it is a comprehensive base for high-level TCM talents training of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the standardized training base for the first batch of TCM resident physicians and general practitioners, and a base for standardized TCM training for resident physicians and key disciplines of general practice of TCM. The hospital adheres to the fundamental task of strengthening moral education and cultivating people in training undergraduates, postgraduates, doctoral students and resident physicians, and enhances the collaboration between clinical practice and education. Additionally, the concept of “early clinical practice, early training with teachers, and early scientific research” is applied in training programs. Moreover, the hospital strengthens the connection between courses and clinical practice and the integration of knowledge at different training stages, and continuously improves the teaching models of clinical practice.
The hospital has always adhered to the path of “revitalizing the hospital with science and technology”, and striven to build a high-level research platform. At present, the hospital has one National Drug Clinical Trial Institution, six third-level laboratories of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, one key laboratory, three Clinical Medical Research Centers of Tianjin, two key laboratories of Tianjin, and one Acupuncture and Moxibustion Research Institute. Besides, it has experimental centers, clinical biological sample banks and the base of SAM mouse breeding. The ethics committee has obtained the CAP certification of ethics review system of TCM, and clinical laboratory department has obtained the ISO15189 certification. In the past five years, 409 projects of various levels have been approved, scientific research funding has reached 105 million yuan, and the hospital has won 40 scientific and technological awards of provincial or ministerial level. In 2020, according to the evaluation of the characteristics and advantages of TCM and the influence of science and technology, the hospital ranked the 4th in the list of 100 TCM hospitals. Additionally, the hospital continuously ranks among the top 100 hospitals in China based on STEM.
The hospital has successively established cooperative relations with more than 40 countries such as the United States, Russia, Germany, Japan, and South Korea. In addition, 15 international symposiums on acupuncture and moxibustion have been held by the hospital, making outstanding contributions to promoting TCM to the world. 
Explore with thoughts broad and profound and embrace the future with wisdom and lofty ambitions. The hospital adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Party’s overall leadership over the hospital, the motto of “Be kind in heart and be good in action”, and the purpose of “developing careers, serving the society, maintaining health and benefiting mankind”. The hospital is guided by discipline construction and driven by reform and innovation. Besides, with the support of talents construction and modern management, the hospital integrates prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. Furthermore, the hospital strives to build a high standard teaching and research hospital of TCM, strives to create high-quality development, and makes new contributions to the construction of “Double First-Class” (first-class universities and disciplines of the world) and Healthy China Initiative.

Introduction of the Department

♦ Acupuncture Department is specialized in the treatment of stroke, facial paralysis, migraine, hypertension, cognitive disorders, depression, vertigo, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, shoulder periarthritis, knee joint disease, stomach pain and distention, irritable bowel syndrome, dry eye, eye muscle paralysis, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, infertility and other diseases.

♦ Cardiology Department is specialized in the treatment of coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension/hypotension, arrhythmia, hyperlipidemia and so on. Besides, the department carries out cardiac rehabilitation evaluation and treatment by integrated Chinese medicine and western medicine.

♦ Pediatrics Department is specialized in the treatment of pediatric epilepsy, tic disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cerebral palsy, developmental retardation, autism, pneumonia (especially refractory), recurrent respiratory infections, asthma (especially refractory), kidney disease, arrhythmia, dwarfism, functional constipation, and some rare and refractory diseases.

♦ Tuina Department is specialized in the treatment of cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, knee osteoarthritis, lumbar spinal stenosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis and other joint diseases. Besides, the department is good at treating spastic torticollis, generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, functional constipation, other functional diseases of internal medicine, and difficult neurological diseases. Additionally, the department is specialized in the treatment of children's scoliosis, children's functional dyspepsia, children's muscular torticollis, children's adenoid hypertrophy, adolescent myopia and other pediatric diseases.

♦ Oncology Department is specialized in the treatment of lung cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, digestive tract cancer, reproductive system cancer and other common tumors by the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.

♦ Orthopedics Department is specialized in the treatment of spine and joint related diseases, including cervical spondylosis, protrusion of intervertebral disc, osteoarthropathy of knee joint, shoulder periarthritis, osteoporosis and so on.

♦ Hematology Department is specialized in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndrome, thrombocytopenia, myeloma lymphoma, anemia and so on.

♦ Nephrology Department is specialized in the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure, diabetes nephropathy and so on.

♦ Rheumatology Department is specialized in the treatment of gout, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, etc.

♦ Wound and Peripheral Vascular Surgery Department is specialized in the treatment of diabetic foot, chronic trauma, venous disease, other vascular diseases, and vascular interventional surgeries.

♦ Endocrinology Department is specialized in the treatment of obesity, obesity combined with diabetes, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, gout and hyperuricemia, thyroid disease, etc.

♦ Hepatology Department is specialized in the treatment of autoimmune liver diseases, fatty liver diseases and so on.

♦ Gastroenterology Department is specialized in the treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal polyps and so on.

♦ Ophthalmology Department is specialized in the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, etc.

♦ Department of Preventive Treatment of Disease is specialized in the treatment of  nutrition intervention, fat loss, pre-diabetes management and so on.

♦ Geriatrics Department is specialized in the treatment of gout, cognitive dysfunction, menopause syndrome, osteoporosis and so on.

♦ Urology Department is specialized in the treatment of various types of chronic prostatitis.

♦ Breast Surgery is specialized in the treatment of acute lactation mastitis and granulomatous mastitis and so on.

♦ General Surgery is specialized in the treatment of thyroid nodules, gastrointestinal polyps, minimally invasive hernia and cholelithiasis, abdominal pain, etc.

♦ Reproductive Center is specialized in the treatment of repeated tube implantation failure, recurrent abortion, neonatal health care, etc.

♦ Gynecology Department is specialized in the treatment of reduced ovarian reserve function, polycystic ovary syndrome, menopause, dysmenorrhea and so on.

♦ Otolaryngology Department is specialized in the treatment of neurogenic deafness, tinnitus, allergic rhinitis, vertigo and so on.

♦ Dermatology Department is specialized in the treatment of acne, pigmented skin diseases, psoriasis and so on.

♦ Andrology Department is specialized in the treatment of prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, etc.

♦ Clinical Trial Center is mainly responsible for the design, implementation, data management, statistical analysis and research summary of clinical trials of new drugs (traditional Chinese medicine, chemical drugs) and medical devices registration at home and abroad.

Copyright @ 2010 First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. All rights reserved.